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Call for abstracts

Notifications about the outcome of submitted abstracts were sent on 7 January 2025.


The congress programme committee has taken the decision not to open a call for late-breaking abstracts. The decision has been taken after considering the high number of submissions to the call for focused symposia and to the call for abstracts, and the capacity available at the venue.


Any decision to open a call for late-breaking abstracts for future World Physiotherapy congresses will be taken by the relevant congress programme committee.

The congress discussions were incredibly insightful and provided me with a wealth of knowledge. Presenting my ePoster in front of experts was an excellent opportunity to showcase my work.

Submitting an abstract

The call for abstracts is open. Abstracts are invited that:


  • report on the latest research with original scientific data [this includes systematic/narrative reviews and meta-analyses]; special interest reports and case studies can be submitted, submissions with pending results and study protocols will not be accepted
  • address new and unique developments in practice, theory, education, management, policy, and resources
  • describe innovative ways in which established methods have been adapted to meet the changing needs of practice.


Submission deadline: 3 October 2024


Support programme: 20 June-16 September 2024


Notification of outcome: Notifications were sent on 7 January 2025


Selection criteria


Submitted abstracts will go through a blind peer-review process carried out by international reviewers.


The following principles will be used to review abstracts:


  1. does the report address a “significant” or “important” issue?
  2. do the methods/approach enable the question to be answered rigorously?
  3. have the data/findings been interpreted appropriately?
  4. are the contents of the abstract clear and logical?


Please note: Successful abstracts to the World Physiotherapy Congress 2025 will become part of the World Physiotherapy congress archive, and once presented at congress will be given a unique digital object identifier (DOI). Authors and presenters may use the DOI to cite their work once the DOI has been granted following congress. 

Presentation format

Abstracts are presented either as a platform or poster presentation. Only platform presentations will be recorded. All platform and uploaded poster presentations will be available after the congress in Tokyo, on-demand through the congress platform.


Please note: all poster presenters and platform speakers are required to attend the congress in person.


Platform presentations

Each platform presentation is scheduled for eight minutes plus two minutes for questions.



  • Printed poster presentations are grouped by topic within the poster area. Authors have a designated presentation time during the lunch break onsite for discussion with participants. The area available to display printed posters will limit the number of printed posters that can be accommodated.
  • ePoster presentations will be scheduled in the programme and grouped by topic. The session chair will lead discussions between the audience and speakers. Speakers are given five minutes to discuss their ePoster with participants, using electronic screens. The area/space available for electronic screens will limit the number of ePosters that can be accommodated.


Important, please note: platform and poster presentations are considered by the congress programme committee (CPC) to be of equal standing and judged by the same criteria. While submitters may indicate their preferred format of platform presentation, printed poster presentation or ePoster presentation, the CPC will assign abstracts to sessions. There are many more requests for platform presentations than can be accommodated in the programme. Therefore, submitters requesting a platform presentation that cannot be accommodated will be offered the option of a poster presentation, where there is more space and plenty of opportunity to interact with participants.


The decision of what format to assign to any abstract rests with the CPC.

Submission information

Find out more about submitting your abstract 

Submission guidelines
General information
Good research practice when using generative AI
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Download and read the guidelines for the abstract submission process.


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View previous abstracts

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